You may have something of a point when saying that it isn't fair to narrow down the definition of courage down to the examples discussed, and that the GB once had the opportunity to show courage in their lives as lowly publishers.
However, you're wrong on a couple of things:
It is their job to boldly proclaim the good news before judges and magistrates. Of all JW, especially the GB are to do this. The 'other sheep' are merely playing a supporting role in the preaching work, for the preaching work is actually a task for the anointed (such as the GB). The GB also claim to be 'ambassadors' for Jesus and the Kingdom. Ambassadors of all people should be willing to proudly represent their government.
Public Relations deal with media, lawyers deals with legal matters, the GB deals with doctrine.
Nowhere does the Bible indicate that God's people should be structured exactly like an American commercial enterprise. It doesn't appear the apostles had divided tasks like speaking to rulers, judges or inquiring members of the public. All of them did all of that. And since the GB sign off on (and therefore bear responsibility for) any and all doctrine, publication and policy, they of all people should be willing to stand up for what they signed off on, regardless of the legal entities they have cooked up. Legally the GB may not be in charge of Watchtower, morally they claim to be appointed and in charge of anything and everything Jesus uses for the Earthly part of his Kingdom. According to JW that includes Watchtower. Saying otherwise is abusing legal technicalities to get out of something that is a moral responsibility.
Why are the GB not talking to reporters, etc? It’s not their jobs. Their jobs are to establish and defend doctrine.
'It is not my job' is quite a lame excuse. Sure, we can accept that when a request for a interview comes in that the PR dept. would handle that (strange thought....aren't all JW part of the PR dept. by definition?). But when approached in person, why not stay and proudly present the Kingdom and defend it's divine rules and policies? Can you imagine Paul or Peter running away when a reporter starting asking the hard questions? Lol
Courageous people don't hide behind 'not my job'.
That guy that courageously saved people from a house fire? He was just passing by; he's not a firefighter. It's not his job.
That woman that saved a drowning person? She's not with the coast guard; it's not her job.
We call these people courageous in part because they acted on something that's not their job.
If a lack of overlap implies “cowardice” then every organization on the planet is full of “cowards”.
Most organizations don't go and tell all their employees they must be courageous and willing to defend the organization everywhere they go. Can you imagine Coca Cola telling their employees' children they should courageously speak up when they see someone in school drinking Pepsi, saying Coca Cola is the only true cola? :-D And then when the CEO of Coca Cola is called into an Royal Commission hearing and is asked whether Coca Cola is the one true cola, he fumbles around "it would seem quite presumptuous to say that Coca Cola is the one true cola....."
The examples Pale Emperor listed are great examples of how the GB do not show courage when the opportunity arises. They act exactly as one would expect from corporate directors, not as one would expect from spirit-directed, Jesus-backed leaders of God's people.